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Install Models from the Hub

In this guide, we will walk through the process of installing a Large Language Model (LLM) from the Hub.

Steps to Install Models from the Hub

1. Explore and Select a Model

Explore the available LLMs by scrolling through the Hub or using the Search Bar.

Search Model

Utilize the Filter Button to choose the recommended LLM. LLM is recommended based on the RAM usage.

All ModelsShow all LLMs available
RecommendedShow the Recommended LLM
DownloadedShow the LLM that has been downloaded

Search Model

If you want to use a model that is not available in the Hub, you can also import the Model Manually.

2. Download the Model

Once you've identified the desired LLM, simply click the Download button to initiate the download. A progress bar will appear to indicate the download progress.

Download Progress

3. Use the Model

Once the download is completed, you can start using the model by clicking the Use button.

Use Model